Thursday, December 21, 2006
Angry Santas - Peaceful Mangers
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
New Hope for Christmas
~ Larnelle Harris
What an amazing statement! On December 9-10th, I, along with around 100 other people will be singing with Larnelle Harris at our church. Every year our church does a Christmas program, usually a drama or musical, but, this year we decided to do something different. Larnelle, our choirs, and our orchastra is putting together a production entitled "New Hope for Christmas". I feel honored to be singing along side of a man that I grew up listening to and have admired for years.
If you would like more information about ordering tickets, visit our church website . Please be in prayer for our weekend together with him and also the upcoming practices and rehearsals. Pray not that we would just learn our music and choreography, but that we would be effective witnesses to our audience and that Christ would be shown through us and the music.
Thanks everyone! And Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Happy November!

Here's a picture that my brother-in-law took of Amara. He and his wife have started a photography business and are wonderful! Feel free to visit their website and take a look at their talent!
It has been a busy week for us here. Last week Darius was gone on a day-business trip on Thursday and then it seemed like the weekend just flew by!
Darius has been busy raking leaves and trying to get ready for winter around our house. It will be interesting to see how our house holds up in the cold and ice. Since we just bought it in May, we haven't had a winter in it yet!
I've been pretty busy at work. I'm finally feeling like I understand fully all the aspects of my job. Little things have been coming up that I'm not sure about but, for the most part, I feel that I really understand what is going on. Hopefully, I'll still feel that way when the holiday rush starts up!
Amara has been a busy little terror. She's still loving school and all her friends. She's talking so clearly and in complete paragraphs, so, that has been fun to watch. She loves to sing and can sing many songs completely. I can't believe that she's getting so big!
That's about all that is going on with us -- Happy November!!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
It's been awhile so, I thought I'd take some time and give you an update on everything.
Last monday, I started my new job and it's been going fabulous. It's been a really easy transition and everyone has been so helpful and wonderful to work with. Amara has done really well with the switch too. I think that she actually has a better day since I'm not there for her to be disobedient to me. She's also been taking really good naps at school, which make for a much better evening for all of us!
Amara had her Halloween party at school today and was so excited to wear her fairy costume and bring treats in for her class. I'll post a picture later.
Other than that, there's not much new with us. We keep busy - too busy at times - but we love hearing from everyone that we don't get to talk to! Have a wonderful week!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The Big Bed!

This weekend we had another big change in the life of Amara. We switched her to a big bed! She was really ready to be done with her crib and was getting too big for it. Her first night (last night) in the bed wasn't too bad. She got up a few times and came out of her room but, after a few "talks" with daddy she got it in her head that getting up was not in her best interest. :) Hopefully, in the nights to come, she'll get more comfortable and it won't be a problem. What a big girl!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Done with the old - In with the new!

Hi everyone! Well, yesterday was my last day at my job. It was a combined feeling of relief and also kind of sad. I had to say goodbye to 150 of the cutest and best kids in the world. The most heart breaking moment of the day was when my favorite kid in the whole wide world (besides my own of course!) started crying and told me she loved me. I love you too, Taylor! It's wonderful to know that I will still be able to see them all everyday when I drop Amara off at school. I'm so excited though to venture out on this new chapter of my life. For those who don't know, I'll be working full time at the New Horizon Corporate Offices in Plymouth, MN. Please pray that the transition will go well between jobs and that Amara will adjust to me not being there. That's about it for now.....the picture is of Hayden (one of Amara's trouble maker friends) and also Ms. Jessica (Amara's teacher)