Well.... so, what are we up to? I guess that the biggest news is that I (Elisabeth) started a new job about 3 weeks ago. It's funny, I have family writing me and asking me how work and things are going, and when I tell them that I have been at a new job for almost a month, they are suprised. Hahaha! I guess that will be a lesson for me to fill people (especially family) in on what is going on. So, anyway..... I have recently started working for a surgeon in Plymouth, MN. I had sent in my resume this past summer and never heard back from them so, I took the job at the New Horizon Corporate offices. Well, much to my surprise, 2 months into that job, I got a call back from them asking if I would be interested in finding out more about them and the job that they were offering. Let's just say that it was an incredibly tough decision. I had grown close to my friends at the NH offices and was loving my job there. In the end, I did decide to take the job as a "Patient Care Coordinator" and am really glad so far that it all worked out. I have been having a lot of fun learning all this new stuff and am grateful for the challenge. I am just finishing up my 3rd week there and am feeling pretty confident about the job and what I can bring to the company. So, I guess now, we'll just keep going on learning and see what comes out at the end. :)
Other than that news, not too much new with our family. Amara is well on her way to being a very active and enthusiastic 3 year old! We're tackling potty training right now to which she is very receptive. She's doing great in Pullups and I'm thinking that we're going to try big girl underwear within the next month! She had an absolute blast at Christmas with her grandparents and loved all the presents. She really got into the whole Santa thing this year. Almost every night before she would go to sleep she would ask Darius or I "Are you going to go and talk to Santa? Tell him that I'm a good girl!" It was so cute and I guess that she was pretty good because Santa sure brought her alot of presents! :)
Well, I hope that everyone is surviving this cold winter!!! I know that I can't wait for it to warm up and be sunny!
Until next time -- Psalm 119:114 "You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word."